EIC 033: How to Move in the Middle of a Pandemic

If you didn't know already, we moved! We moved from the greater Los Angeles area to Vegas in the middle of a pandemic, and I wanted to share my audio diary of the experience.

If you didn't know already, we moved! We moved from the greater Los Angeles area to Vegas in the middle of a pandemic, and I wanted to share my audio diary of the experience.

Some tips for moving cities in a pandemic: 

  1. Have a criteria for must-haves in a city and a home and don’t settle or compromise on it. 

  2. Research the cities you are considering

    1. Look at the demographics, weather, etc. 

      1. Highly recommend considering the demographics of where you’d like to live because depending on your racial/ethnic background, moving to certain cities could be dangerous for you despite being an affordable city. Especially if you grew up in a community of color, it would be a big culture shock to go to some of these more rural, predominantly white towns.  

    2. Get an idea of the pricing of homes/apartments both for rent and buying (if you’d like to buy there one day)

    3. Take into consideration location of city in the broader context of the region of the country you are in if you would like to travel nearby or be a certain distance from home

    4. Figure out the main “cons” of a city as well and make sure they are not dealbreakers for you. 

  3. Examine your finances and make sure you have a significant cushion or job/clients lined up for when you move. Minimum of 6 months of living expenses 

  4. Once you decide on a city to move to, set a timeline that you would like to have before moving. Keep in mind that if you would like to secure a place to live at least 1 month in advance, if you are renting you may need to live in an apartment.  

Our criteria:

  • Must be a reasonable distance from home by plane (aka Western US)

  • Must be a major metropolitan area

  • Must have a significant population of people of color

  • Must be more affordable than LA

Mentioned on this episode:

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  • Share the show and tag us on Instagram: @empoweredincolor

  • Tweet at us on Twitter: @empoweredpoc

  • When you post about your successes and stories, use the hashtag #WhenPOCThrive

  • Subscribe on iTunesGoogle Podcasts, or Spotify. Leave a review on iTunes/Apple Podcasts to help us reach more people!

EIC 032: Destigmatizing Mental Health - ADHD, Therapy, Meds, and More

Mental Health Check: We just want to make sure you're all taking care of yourselves the best that you can during the pandemic. I also wanted to talk a little bit about my recent ADHD diagnosis and why it's important now more than ever to make sure you are taking care of your mental health and that we are all destigmatizing what that looks like as well.

Mental Health Check: We just want to make sure you're all taking care of yourselves the best that you can during the pandemic. I also wanted to talk a little bit about my recent ADHD diagnosis and why it's important now more than ever to make sure you are taking care of your mental health and that we are all destigmatizing what that looks like as well.

We will always affirm you in that the things you're feeling are valid and that you're not crazy. Having a mental illness is normal and we urge you to take care of it, the same with your physical body. 

Mentioned on this week's episode:

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EIC 031: Taking Up Space with Ryann Richardson

Today's episode was recorded back in January prior to the pandemic, but I believe that its message is evergreen and is even more important and relevant now!  Ryann Richardson is Miss Black America, a tech founder, a keynote speaker, and so much more.


Today's episode was recorded back in January prior to the pandemic, but I believe that its message is evergreen and is even more important and relevant now! 

Ryann Richardson is Miss Black America, a tech founder, a keynote speaker, and so much more. Today we are talking about the concept of "taking up space," especially for women of color. 

Mentioned on this week's episode: 

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EIC NOW 001: Black Lives Matter. How to Take Action

This episode is not part of our regularly scheduled programming, but we cannot be a podcast that addresses race & not talk about this.  Today's episode is for all nonblack people to have ways to take ACTION.  Ways you can take action:  PROTEST! Get out there & stand in solidarity & protect Black people from the police!


This episode is not part of our regularly scheduled programming, but we cannot be a podcast that addresses race & not talk about this. 

Today's episode is for all nonblack people to have ways to take ACTION. 

Ways you can take action: 

  • PROTEST! Get out there & stand in solidarity & protect Black people from the police!

  • Pass out water and snacks to protestors

  • Be a volunteer medic to care for protestors when they are wounded

  • Sit with yourself and reflect on everything happening. If you have Black friends, imagine if these tragedies happened to them. Personalize these issues to yourself.

  • Correct people when they say problematic and harmful things. Have these conversations. Not having these conversations lead to Black people dying. 

  • Register to vote! Elect people to go into office to make these changes. Better yet, run for office! (see episode 029 if you're more interested in running for office)

  • Do a personal audit of your friendships, the media you consume, the people you follow. How many of those people are of a different race than you? How many people are Black?

  • Confront your antiblack biases within yourself, then have these conversations with the people around you. Reflect on antiblack things you've witnessed or experienced or said yourself, and it will take time to unlearn these mindsets. 

Mentioned on this week's episode: 

Black people to follow/work with/hire: 

Podcasts to listen to: 

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EIC 030: Creating a Future for Us with Sage Quiamno

Womxn of Color are still dealing with issues in the workplace such as pay equity, microaggressions, being overlooked for promotions, just to name a few.

Sage Ke'alohilani Quiamno - Head shot (16).JPG

Womxn of Color are still dealing with issues in the workplace such as pay equity, microaggressions, being overlooked for promotions, just to name a few. Sage Quiamno co-founded Future for Us to empower womxn of color to advocate for themselves and push forward in their careers. 

Mentioned on this week's episode: 

This episode is also brought to you in part by my work at @krisellecreative. Follow me there if you are interested in getting a commissioned piece.

Thanks for listening! Keep in touch:

EIC 029: APAHM and Young People in Politics with Shaniyat Chowdhury

Happy Asian Pacific American Heritage Month (APAHM)! We are kicking off this month by featuring Bangladeshi-American NY-5 Congressional Candidate, Shaniyat Chowdhury (or Shan for short). This conversation dramatically changed my views on politics and young peoples/poc's involvement in it so I hope that whether you want to run for public office one day or would like to be more informed at how politics at every level effects you, I highly recommend listening to this episode!

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Happy Asian Pacific American Heritage Month (APAHM)! We are kicking off this month by featuring Bangladeshi-American NY-5 Congressional Candidate, Shaniyat Chowdhury (or Shan for short).

This conversation dramatically changed my views on politics and young peoples/poc's involvement in it so I hope that whether you want to run for public office one day or would like to be more informed at how politics at every level effects you, I highly recommend listening to this episode!

Mentioned on this week's episode: 

This episode is also brought to you in part by my work at @krisellecreative. Follow me there if you are interested in getting a commissioned piece.

Thanks for listening! Keep in touch:


EIC 028: Racism, New Hobbies, Staying Sane During Covid-19

We have admittedly been going through waves of productivity and relaxation during this COVID pandemic.

We have admittedly been going through waves of productivity and relaxation during this COVID pandemic. We don't want the pandemic to dictate every single piece of content we put out for the next few months, so we wanted to have an episode dedicated to talking about the main chunks of the coronavirus pandemic that we felt was important to cover. 

Mentioned on this week's episode:

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EIC 027: Blogging Full-Time and #PressTripssoWhite with Alicia Tenise

When people think of "influencers," people think of beautifully curated Instagram profiles, traveling all the time, and tons of free stuff. While being an influencer or full-time content creator includes all of those things, there are many more things that happen behind the scenes compared to what we see, including dealing with a lack of representation for content creators of color and being a spokesperson for that.

When people think of "influencers," people think of beautifully curated Instagram profiles, traveling all the time, and tons of free stuff.

While being an influencer or full-time content creator includes all of those things, there are many more things that happen behind the scenes compared to what we see, including dealing with a lack of representation for content creators of color and being a spokesperson for that.

Today's episode is with Alicia Chew of AliciaTenise.com, a blogger for 8 years and a friend of mine from my blogging days as well.

Resources mentioned on this week's episode:

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EIC 026: Black History Month, Kobe Bryant, And Grief

The death of Kobe Bryant was unexpected and tragic for many people, especially those of us in LA. It happened just before Black History Month, so I felt that it was fitting to kick off Black History Month talking about him, his legacy, and the topic of grief.

The death of Kobe Bryant was unexpected and tragic for many people, especially those of us in LA. It happened just before Black History Month, so I felt that it was fitting to kick off Black History Month talking about him, his legacy, and the topic of grief.

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EIC 025: IRL & Online Event Debrief - Lessons Learned

In the last couple of months, Empowered in Color has hosted our very first Connection Night and virtual summit! Our intention for this organization has always been to create a community for you to connect with like-minded people both online and on the internet.

In the last couple of months, Empowered in Color has hosted our very first Connection Night and virtual summit! Our intention for this organization has always been to create a community for you to connect with like-minded people both online and on the internet. Today's episode goes through what went well and what we can improve on from both events. 

The biggest takeaway from both events: MARKETING. While both events were successful in many ways, the best way that they could've improved is if we were able to market it better and spend more time doing it as well. Listen to the episode for more lessons learned!

Mentioned on this week's episode: 

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EIC 024: 2 Goal Setting Tips, 2020 Goals, and How to THRIVE

Happy New Year! Let's start off the year with clarity towards our goals with some goal setting tips and my word of the year: THRIVE.  When you are on social media this year posting about a win, a happy thought, or any kind of accomplishment, use the hashtag #WhenPOCThrive because we want to see people of color striving and thriving in their lives.

Happy New Year! Let's start off the year with clarity towards our goals with some goal setting tips and my word of the year: THRIVE. 

When you are on social media this year posting about a win, a happy thought, or any kind of accomplishment, use the hashtag #WhenPOCThrive because we want to see people of color striving and thriving in their lives.

Goal Setting Tips: 

  1. Write down your goals. Write it somewhere, preferably where you will see it often. Use the SMART Goals method so that it is easy to track your progress on your goals. 

  2. Tell people about it. You don’t have to broadcast it to the world, but telling at least one person you trust about your goals will not only give you accountability, but it will make the achievement of your goals much sweeter to enjoy for not only you, but the person you told. They will be able to see where you started and really revel in how far you had come in accomplishing what you said you would do.

Mentioned on this week's episode: 

Thanks for listening! Keep in touch:

EIC 023: Business, Marriage, And Boba With Thomas and Jasmine of Loose Leaf Boba Company

Today's episode features our very first husband/wife team and our first brick-and-mortar business. Meet Thomas and Jasmine, otherwise known as the Boba Duo!

Today's episode features our very first husband/wife team and our first brick-and-mortar business. Meet Thomas and Jasmine, otherwise known as the Boba Duo!

Their story talks about how they opened up their first brick-and-mortar store in Long Beach, CA, working together as a couple and as business partners, and doing all of this while being parents as well. 

Where to find Loose Leaf Boba: 

Mentioned on this week's episode: 

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EIC 022: Self Love For The Modern Woman With Jen and Mai Of Wingbra USA

We have our first business partners on the show today, featuring Mai and Jen and how they became the North American distributors for international brand WingBra.  Their story talks about how self care in their personal lives intersected in self care in how the WingBra works as well.

We have our first business partners on the show today, featuring Mai and Jen and how they became the North American distributors for international brand WingBra. 

Their story talks about how self care in their personal lives intersected in self care in how the WingBra works as well. This episode isn't just for the ladies as I learned a lot about tips in finding a good business partner as well!

Wingbra USA: http://wingbrausa.com

Use code "KRISELLE15" for 15% off your purchase!

Thanks for listening! Keep in touch:

EIC 021: Staying True to Your Core Values

I originally had a completely different idea for this episode, but decided that this would take precedence.  This podcast has become somewhat of an audio diary for me, and I think part of that include vulnerability and sharing where I am at in the here and now.

I originally had a completely different idea for this episode, but decided that this would take precedence. 

This podcast has become somewhat of an audio diary for me, and I think part of that include vulnerability and sharing where I am at in the here and now. Most people don't do this, but I think there is a big value in being honest about your current state in life. 

My career as it stands today is in a phase of transition, and this episodes talks in depth about what led to that, what my plan is next, and how you can handle yourself if you find yourself in my situation. 


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EIC 020: Where I've Been & My Mental Health Journey

amp;nbsp; I released the last episode back in January letting out all of my goals for the year... then I went on an unexpected hiatus.  I was dealing with the most difficult parts of my life so far, leading to depression, among other things.

I released the last episode back in January letting out all of my goals for the year... then I went on an unexpected hiatus. 

I was dealing with the most difficult parts of my life so far, leading to depression, among other things. This episode, I share a bit about my mental health journey for most of this year. 

*Trigger warning: there is mention of depression and suicidal ideation in this episode. If you or someone you know is thinking of suicide, please contact the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-8255

Listen to the the first episode of the year: EIC 019: New Year, Better Me--2019 Goals

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EIC 019: New Year, Better Me--2019 Goals

Happy New Year! Here's to bettering ourselves in 2019. The best way to do so is setting down some goals, which is what I'm talking about today. I share a few personal as well as professional goals for this brand/podcast, and I hope you start to think about your own goals for the year if you haven't already.    Also, my 2019 word of the year: TRUST.

Happy New Year! Here's to bettering ourselves in 2019. The best way to do so is setting down some goals, which is what I'm talking about today. I share a few personal as well as professional goals for this brand/podcast, and I hope you start to think about your own goals for the year if you haven't already. 


Also, my 2019 word of the year: TRUST. Listen for more info on why I chose this word for this year. 


Episodes mentioned: 

  • Episode 18: Thank u, Next--8 Lessons From 2018


Stay connected @empoweredincolor #EmpoweredinColor

EIC 018: Thank u, next--8 Lessons From 2018

It's the last episode of the year! Of course, we're taking this week to talk through some lessons learned this year both in running this podcast and in my own personal life. 

Content warning: there is brief mention of suicidal thoughts in this episode. If you or someone you know is thinking of suicide, please contact the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-8255.


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Have a safe and great holiday season, see you in 2019!

Thank u 2018, next

EIC 017: The Exhausting But Rewarding Work Of Diversity And Inclusion

With America's recent mid-term elections, it's one of the most prominent examples in the moment of how important diversity and inclusion are in raising equity for people of color. 

This week's episode, I talk in-depth about how mentally and emotionally exhausting this work can be but also how rewarding it feels to be doing something so necessary and important for all of us. 

Mentioned in this week's episode: 

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EIC 016: Non-Profit Work and City Planning with Christine of We Are Lightwork

This week's episode features 2 firsts: our first non-profit and first in-person interview! In honor of (the late) Filipino American History Month, we have Christine, a city planner and the founder of the nonprofit, We Are Lightwork, on the podcast today.  

We talk about her work as a city planner and how it correlates to her work in helping give back to those less fortunate in the greater Los Angeles area. If you are interested in helping out and getting involved, check out the website: https://wearelightwork.org/

Thanks for listening! Keep in touch:

EIC 015: Money Mindset And Immigrant Upbringing With Santos Verardo

As Hispanic Heritage Month is coming to a close, this week's episode features Santos of New Coach Launchpad, a business coach who helps other coaches start up their businesses while keeping her day job as the principal of an elementary school. 

As part of her journey into entrepreneurship, Santos has had to deal with certain mentalities she grew up with and learned from her immigrant parents. Most of that dealt with money and the mindset her parents modeled growing up. 

Mentioned on this week's episode: 

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