EIC 027: Blogging Full-Time and #PressTripssoWhite with Alicia Tenise

When people think of "influencers," people think of beautifully curated Instagram profiles, traveling all the time, and tons of free stuff. While being an influencer or full-time content creator includes all of those things, there are many more things that happen behind the scenes compared to what we see, including dealing with a lack of representation for content creators of color and being a spokesperson for that.

When people think of "influencers," people think of beautifully curated Instagram profiles, traveling all the time, and tons of free stuff.

While being an influencer or full-time content creator includes all of those things, there are many more things that happen behind the scenes compared to what we see, including dealing with a lack of representation for content creators of color and being a spokesperson for that.

Today's episode is with Alicia Chew of AliciaTenise.com, a blogger for 8 years and a friend of mine from my blogging days as well.

Resources mentioned on this week's episode:

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